Volcanes de Canarias

Volcanes de Canarias descubrirá los secretos del Parque Nacional del Teide a los participantes en el Simposium Etnoarqueología del Fuego


La Asociación Volcanes de Canarias ha sido invitada a colaborar con el Simposium Etno-Arqueología del Fuego. Se trata de un encuentro internacional de expertos que se celebrará en la Universidad de La Laguna del 9 al 11 de febrero de 2017. Esta iniciativa ha sido impulsada por el    (IUBO).

Volcanes de Canarias dirigirá una ruta guiada para descubrir a los asistentes a este congreso los secretos volcánicos, biológicos y etnográficos del Parque Nacional del Teide. Desde aquí queremos expresar nuestro agradecimiento a los organizadores del Simposium por contar con nuestra participación.

Volcanes de Canarias has  been invited to collaborate with the Ethnoarchaeology of Fire Symposium.  It is an international meeting of experts to be held at the University of La Laguna from 9 to 11 February 2017. This initiative has been promoted by the Institute of Organic Biology Antonio González (IUBO).

Volcanes de Canarias will  design and carry out a guided route to discover to the attendees to this congress the volcanic, biological and ethnographic secrets of the Teide National Park. From here we would like to express our gratitude to the organizers of the Symposium for having our participation.


More about the Symposium

The aim of the meeting «Ethnoarchaeology of Fire» is to offer an open space for discussion and exchange, under the form of invited lectures, poster presentations and general discussions. We will present case studies and lay out the main avenues of ethnoarchaeological research that is currently being carried out relating to anthropogenic fire. Ethnoarchaeological case-studies on anthropogenic fire in subarctic and tropical environments will address different questions such as quantitative aspects of fire management, seasonality, site-formation processes, and fuel and heat use through the lens of different analytical methods (microparticles and macroremains, stable isotopes, organic chemistry, microstratigraphy and micromorphology). 


Materiales y Artículos de consulta/ References and abstracs in Ethnoarchaeology

Natural Catastrophes in Greak and Roman Wold

Aqueología, Geología y Volcanología 

I Terimoti in Campania in Età Medioevali i Romana


Vivir entre Volcanes, bosques y agua…  

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